Calluses, as well as corns, are thickened patches of skin that develop because of pressure and frequent rubbing. Though not usually a medical concern, because calluses and corns can be quite unsightly and even painful, the board-certified podiatrists at Miklos Foot and Ankle Specialists offer in-office callus and corn treatments in the Garfield Ridge neighborhood of Chicago. Click the online scheduler to book your callus and corn evaluation, or call the office directly.

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Why do I get calluses on my feet?

Calluses develop as your skin’s way of defending itself against friction. The more and more your socks and shoes rub, the more irritated your skin becomes. Cells automatically develop a layer of protective tissue that continues to build up, layer after layer, until you have a thick and rigid callus.

You tend to develop calluses on weight-bearing areas, like your heels. Corns, which develop for the same reasons as calluses, build up on non-weight-bearing spots, such as across the tops of your toes. Your risk of corns and calluses increases due to:

  • Wearing snug or pointy shoes
  • Not wearing socks
  • Having bunions

Diabetes can also leave you more vulnerable to developing corns and calluses because your skin dries out due to decreased circulation.

Do foot calluses cause symptoms?

Not always. Usually, when you have calluses, you start to notice that your skin becomes thickened and flaky. You can even develop cracks as your skin continues to thicken and dry out. But calluses don’t typically cause pain.

Alternatively, corns, which are smaller than calluses, are known for causing pain when they have pressure on them. No matter how minor or how severe your calluses or corns may be, the caring team at Miklos Foot and Ankle Specialists can help.

How are foot calluses treated?

It’s important to have professional callus and corn treatments with a skilled podiatrist. Because your feet automatically have decreased blood flow — they’re the furthest points from your heart — you risk suffering from an infection if you cut yourself while trying to remove calluses or corns on your own, especially if you have known circulatory issues or diabetes.

At Miklos Foot and Ankle Specialists, you can undergo in-office callus and corn removal treatments, so you can restore the healthy skin on your feet. Treating calluses or corns can involve:

  • Using specialized moisturizers
  • Designing custom orthotic inserts
  • Gently shaving away damaged skin
  • Applying clinical-strength callus-removing medication

If you have an underlying issue that’s causing calluses or corns to develop, your podiatrist at Miklos Foot and Ankle Specialists may recommend correcting that condition. For example, if you have corns and calluses because of a severe bunion deformity, a minimally invasive bunion surgery can resolve your bunion and related symptoms, and even decrease future issues with calluses and corns.

Book your corn and callus examination at Miklos Foot and Ankle Specialists today. You can conveniently schedule either online or over the phone.