Tingling or a pins-and-needles sensation in your feet is a common condition that may not indicate a serious problem. However, if tingling occurs frequently and without any obvious reason, it’s important that you schedule a consultation for a full health evaluation. The board-certified team of podiatrists at Miklos Foot and Ankle Specialists in the Garfield Ridge neighborhood of Chicago offers comprehensive diagnostic testing and treatment services to identify the cause of tingling and protect the health of your feet. Find out what’s causing your persistent tingling sensations by calling the office or booking an appointment online today.

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What causes tingling in feet?

The tingling sensations you feel in your feet may be the result of temporary compression on surrounding nerves. Many people experience this type of sensation after sitting in one position for too long and the symptoms generally go away when you move around.

However, if you experience persistent tingling in your feet or develop other symptoms, including pain, you should schedule an evaluation at Miklos Foot and Ankle Specialists as soon as possible.

In addition to a pinched nerve, potential causes of persistent tingling in the feet include:

  • Infections
  • Kidney failure
  • Diabetic neuropathy
  • Vitamin deficiency
  • Autoimmune disease

In some cases, tingling sensations in the feet may occur for no specific reason. This type of condition is more common in people over 60 and may cause difficulties in walking and increase the risk of falls.

When should I seek treatment for tingling in feet?

If you have diabetes, it’s important to work with an experienced physician at Miklos Foot and Ankle Specialists so they can provide routine foot care to prevent diabetes-related complications.

For unexplained tingling sensations, you should schedule an evaluation if the issues begin to interfere with your mobility or functionality.

In cases where other symptoms develop along with tingling, such as severe headache and sudden weakness, seek immediate medical care. These issues can indicate a life-threatening stroke.

What treatments are available for tingling in the feet?

Depending on the cause of your persistent tingling sensations, your Miklos Foot and Ankle Specialists physician can create a custom treatment plan to address the root cause of your symptoms.

Because underlying health conditions may cause the tingling, your Miklos Foot and Ankle Specialists provider may refer you to a qualified physician to address chronic disease issues, such as diabetes, autoimmune disorders, or kidney failure.

If you experience tingling due to poor circulation, you may need to wear compression socks to improve blood flow to the feet. Your physician may also recommend exercises you can do to improve circulation or reduce pressure on your nerves.

It’s also important that you provide daily care for your feet and wear shoes that fit properly. Your Miklos Foot and Ankle Specialists physician can schedule routine follow-ups to monitor your condition and protect the health of your feet.

Learn more about diagnostic testing and treatment options for tingling in the feet today by calling the office or booking an appointment online.